Suffering Unto Perfection 5: Becoming Like Him {Paperback}
While we are in this physical body, Holy Spirit can shape us like the potter molds day. As he is shaping and transforming us, he can impart into us more of God's love and light to the degree we allow. This takes place only as long as we are in this earthly body. The moment we step out of this body, our rank or position in heaven is set according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 15. It is determined by how much of the love and light of God we became while here on earth. We cannot grow in this anymore after we have entered glory, though we will continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord for all eternity. We have such an awesome opportunity now in this earth, to grow in the love and light of God, It simply comes down to how much you are willing to surrender your will for His and become like Him.
Unfortunately, there is a great misconception in the Body of Christ about the rapture, our place with Him and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. One must suffer with Him to become like Him, in order to reign with Him.